Tiger may look fierce, but he’s actually a sleepyhead who never seems to wake up. All the animals of the forest lose their fear of him: sparrows, cats, dogs, wolves, racoons, even hares and deers! The crows decide to wake him up. Now everyone remembers what Tiger is really like!

By Echo Liu
Illustrated by Ozora Rahyu

First print in 2022
ISBN:978-1-988694-67-2 (English & Chinese)
8×10 · 36 pages · Perfect Binding Paperback
Ages 3 to 7
CAD$ 13.99

Echo Liu

Echo Liu is a children’s book author, publisher, and chair of a nonprofit foundation. She has published 60 children’s picture books since 2014, including both digital and printed versions. All the bilingual books (English and Chinese) are collected by the Toronto Public libraries and among the readers’ favorites.

As the founder of Skyky Books, Echo has been helping children to publish their own stories. She has been putting her efforts to help families, younger kids, students by offering them free parenting seminars, reading time, free books, and volunteering opportunities.

Echo is also passionate about charities and has volunteered for nonprofit organizations. She has raised funds for the Sick Kids hospital, donated her books to libraries, public schools, reading clubs, churches and book banks.

Over all these years, Echo has cultivated good connections in the Chinese community and other communities. They know Echo by her books and by her passion to support charity.