18th century London, the factories, the trash, the stench, all in contrast to the great Atlantic Ocean. Memories at the Sea is a page-turning adventure for children aged 11-14.
The protagonist, Edward’s life is a cycle of painful memories. From being a homeless orphan to living with an uncaring family, Edward has very little to reminisce and recall in industrial London.
Until he meets Eve.
She is spontaneous, agonizingly idealistic, and rich. She pursues childish dreams on a whim and sees only the good in people, especially Edward. But when confronted with the sins of human nature will Eve still remain pure? And what’ll Edward do to protect her?
A must have book that will bring young readers to see how to maintain a healthy relationship between friends and families and what they should do during times of crisis.
The exploration starts here! Order today with one click.
By Jaden Liu
First print in Jun 2021
Ages: 9-12 years old
CAD$ 13.99
About Jaden Liu

Currently studying at Upper Canada College, Jaden Liu is a passionate reader and writer who explores a multitude of different genres and writing styles. Jaden is head of several writing clubs inside and outside school and is an avid contributor to Skyky journalism. Jaden was also the primary youth organizer of the 2020 Sick Kids Concert at UCC, where he helped raise money for the children’s hospital. Outside of school, Jaden enjoys playing violin and piano, listening to John Cage, and sleeping with a book under his pillow.